If you think of keywords as unimportant details of your paper, I get it. Selecting my keywords used to be one of the last things I did when uploading my articles to the journal platform....
Daily rituals of scientists: Albert Einstein
Welcome back to another piece of our series, Daily Rituals of Scientists. This time, we are looking at one of the most remarkable and recognizable characters in science - Albert Einstein. Many know that Einstein's...
First-person pronouns in scientific articles
Scientists fall into two camps: those who love reading scientific papers and those who hate them. I definitely belong to the second group. The second I try to read a scientific article, my eyelids get...
What makes an excellent scientific abstract?
Scientific abstracts are of huge significance within academia. Whether they accompany a doctoral dissertation, a conference presentation, or a journal article, abstracts serve as the readers' initial—and often only—encounter with your work. They create the...
Why you should choose a journal before conducting the research
Do you want to publish a lot and in top journals? Don’t we all? Then, you need to think about the paper you're going to write and the journal where you'll submit it before you...
How to choose the right journal to publish your research
In science, publication is everything. Publishing a lot in high-impact journals is the royal way to build an academic career and disseminate your research. That's the dream, but the reality is more complicated. Sending your...