Sign up for my newsletter and get your free scientific writing package
Sign up for my newsletter and boost your scientific writing skills!
My welcome gift is a free scientific writing kit to help you write your paper faster and better.
Newsletter Signup:
Download this free pack and you’ll receive:
A template that you can use as the draft of your paper.
This template is a doc file already formatted according to the APA norms, starting with your title page, abstract, and introduction.

A workbook to write the introduction of your article, including
• Pre-writing instructions that will help you clarify what your readers and reviewers expect from you.
• Writing instructions, i.e., explanations and questions to identify what you need to write at each level of your introduction.
• Explanations for using the template.
• A checklist to make sure that you have not forgotten any important elements of your introduction.

The Brilliant Mind newsletter
featuring tips for improving your science writing skills, boosting your productivity, and managing your doubts and frustrations.