Scientific Writing and Productivity Toolbox

Your go-to resource for enhancing your scientific writing skills and improving your productivity.

Whether you’re an experienced researcher or just starting out your scientific career, our toolbox is designed to empower you with a range of tools and resources. From checklists and guides to comprehensive workbooks, you’ll find what you need to improve your writing and boost your productivity.

Scientific Writing Toolbox


How to Write Your Introduction + Template

For many scientists, the introduction is the hardest part of an article to write, especially if you don’t know how to structure it. Our introduction workbook provides 1) Clear pre-writing steps, 2) Easy content guidelines, and 3) A checklist for essentials.

Also included is a doc file template formatted according to the APA norms, starting with your title page, abstract, and introduction.

Scientific Journal

Paragraph Toolkit

This toolkit explains the technique of point-first paragraphs, provides examples from different fields of research, and includes a template to help you create compelling paragraphs.

Plan on Friday Template

A powerful time management tool that can help you make time for what matters most. This template will help you prioritize, identify obstacles, and stay consistent with your planning.

The Abstract

Abstract Checklist

This checklist will help you ensure you haven’t missed any crucial elements while crafting your scientific abstract.

The scientific writer’s block questionnaire and guide

This download includes 1) a test to identify the specific factors contributing to your block and 2) a guide to strategies and techniques for overcoming each specific block.

The thread of your paper: A visual guide

The thread of your paper: A visual guide

This guide is designed to remind you of the role each section plays in your research article. It’s perfect for printing out and displaying in your office as a reference while you write.

Time Tracker

Our newest tool: The Scientific Writing Tracker

Do you struggle to reach your writing goals? With our tracker, you can track your writing activity, set achievable goals, and identify the conditions that maximize your productivity.

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